Located in Reinholds, PA
Phone: 717-433-1911
Mon: 7am-5pm
Tues: 7am-5pm
Wed: 7am-5pm
Thurs: Closed (By Appt Only)
Fri: Closed (Mobile Harvest)
Sat: 8am-12pm (Customer PU)
Sun: Closed
Mobile Kill Policy
Read first!!
Single Hogs may be dropped off at our shop, no mobile kill.
Hog Cut Sheets are due the day BEFORE slaughter, to avoid a $15 late fee.
We do NOT process non-ambulatory livestock (injured or sick)
*UPDATE FOR WINTER 2022-2023:*
All Mobile Kill hogs must be confined to a small kill pen BEFORE mobile crew arrives on site. Hogs must be held off of feed for 12 hours prior to slaughter.
Kill Pen must either be accessible by the truck crane, or by customers equipment. We do NOT drag hogs by hand, and our truck is only permitted to drive on a hardpacked driveway surface. The winch can reach 40'.
Woods or pasture raised hogs must be in specially constructed corral that is free from mud. Two 16' hog panels and 6 “T” posts with METAL pipe clamps are sufficient.